Historical Timeline

1794 Optical telegraph invented
1840-1861 development of the telegraph
1869 elisha gray’s improvements to telegraphy
1873-1876 Alexander graham bell’s patent
1877-1881 commercialization of the telephone
1884-1885 At&T emerges
1886 Edison & Hollerith’s contributions
1888-1889 first coin telephone
1891-1892 the strowger switch
1893-1899 bell patents expire/At&T grows grows

1897-1909 birth pangs: independent telephone association
1906-1911 Commercial applications and improvments
1913 AT&T’s Kingsbury Commitment
1915-1916 1916 USITA Formed
1917-1919 The First World War
1920-1922 The Early Twenties
1924-1927 Pictures By Wire
1928-1930 Audio Advances
1931-1938 The Depression Era
1940-1943 The Second World War
1946-1948 The Computer Era is Born

1949-1953 Boom Times for Telephony
1956-1957 International Development
1957-1964 The Sputnik Era
1966-1968 911 Service Is First Offered
1969 A Call To Outer Space
1970-1971 USITA Negotiates Landmark Agreement
1972-1981 The Digital Era Begins
1982 Enhanced Digital Communications Services
1983-1985 AT&T Divestiture of Bell System
1988-1989 Optical Fiber Era Begins
1990-1992 Further Advancements
1993-1995 The Internet Comes of Age
1996-1997 Telecommunications act of 1996
1998 Mergers and Competition Wars