









    Dear ITPA Members, Friends, and Industry Partners:

    The ITPA National Assembly is a time when ITPA Chapters and Clubs share their community service projects, honor those who have contributed to the industry during our Hall of Fame Luncheon, and celebrate the preservation of telephony, and the future of telecommunications.

    2024 ITPA Assembly YouTube Video - Part 1

    ITPA 32nd Annual Assembly Dobson, NC 2024 - Part 2

    Please join us in welcoming our 2024-2025 ITPA President Leon Yard!

    Leon was born March 24, 1965, in Bennettsville, SC-Marlboro County

    Lived in McColl, SC while attending K-12 schools and graduated as Valedictorian from McColl Fletcher Memorial High School

    Won the first academic scholarship given by Campbell Soup Company from their Maxton Plant

    Graduated with a BS Degree in Business Administration from Winthrop College (now University) with a minor in Management

    Has been associated with the Fire Service since age 14

    Been with the Oakdale Fire Department since 1991. Currently serving as Assistant Chief and held ranks of Captain and Firefighter. He has served on the Oakdale Special Fire Tax Board as a member and as Chairman. Also, a member of the York County Hazmat Team

     For the Pioneers, he has served as President of the Comporium Pioneer Club, the National ITPA Awards Committee, the ITPA Historical Commitee, and the National Fundraising Committee

    Charter Member of the Catawba Wings-Gold Wing Club and a Member of the Honor Guard Motorcycle Ministry

    Proud to be a Mason, York Rite Appendant Bodies Member, and Hejaz Shriner

    Married to Brenda Lynn Yard for the past 38 years

    Has two sons - Lee and Logan who both attended Clemson University.

    Leon and his family currently reside in Rock Hill, SC